Accessible and sustainable tourism


La Bolla


This place that was created to reconnect people to nature, disconnecting them from everyday life to offer a new vision.

Naturally happy

It rises on the morainic hills at the foot of the Alps in Agliè, in the province of Turin, in the Canavese area. Within a green area of the medieval village, characterized by an ancient historic center and the Ducal Castle, it extends for two hectares of park and oak forest bordering a hazelnut grove that protects an ancient sanctuary and a river that runs alongside a old watermill,
some horse riding and wineries. An ideal place for those seeking peace, tranquility but at the same time history, culture, food and wine, sport and spirituality.

Here beauty lives in many forms of life, we are all its custodians. In the garden there is a circle formed by trees, all equal with respect to the center, and that is that, in the concept of humanity, all are considered in the same way..


How do you disconnect from everyday life and how do you reconnect with nature?

La bolla è un microcosmo che rispecchia il macrocosmo dove sono state ridotte le interferenze artificiali e dove esterni ed interni sono stati progettati nella logica del Feng Shui, un'antica arte geomantica taoista della Cina, ausiliaria dell'architettura. Nel rispetto della salute psicofisica degli ospiti, per ridurre l’impatto con elettrosmog ( inquinamento da onde elettromagnetiche) la struttura è stata interamente cablata con cavi di rete e dotata di adattatori per tutti i modelli di Pc e tablet per consentire la connessione ovunque scegliendo se utilizzare Wi- fi o la rete fissa.

All the bedrooms have a device that allows you to deactivate the electrical circuits at night, isolating your bedroom from the rest of the house for those who want to start "disconnecting" from the system and encounter plants and trees from here.

Agrirelais la bolla vcristalli
Agrirelais la bolla vcristalli

Since ancient times, each plant has been assigned one or more guiding planets, from which they derive some characteristics, in vegetable spagyria the type of cosmic forces that determine its characteristics is called signature We also know from studies on crystal therapy that stones emit vibrations capable of restoring harmony and balance in people and they too resonate more easily with the planets.

In order to experience the connection between aromatic plants, planets and crystals, we decided to dedicate the rooms to the most common medicinal and aromatic plants of the area, which in the early 1900s were planted at the agrirelais, and equipped them with essential oils and precious stones inside special niches.

Since ancient times, each plant has been assigned one or more guiding planets, from which they derive some characteristics, in vegetable spagyria the type of cosmic forces that determine its characteristics is called signature We also know from studies on crystal therapy that stones emit vibrations capable of restoring harmony and balance in people and they too resonate more easily with the planets.

In order to experience the connection between aromatic plants, planets and crystals, we decided to dedicate the rooms to the most common medicinal and aromatic plants of the area, which in the early 1900s were planted at the agrirelais, and equipped them with essential oils and precious stones inside special niches.

Agrirelais la bolla vcristalli

Suite Salvia

42 m2 on the fully accessible ground floor. Ideal for 2/4 people.

Price for one night with breakfast

disponibilità su richiesta

Junior Suite Lavanda

23 m2 on the first floor with lift, accessible tonpeople with disabilities. Ideal for 2/3 people.

Price for one night with breakfast

disponibilità su richiesta

Classic Room Tarassaco

20 m2 located on the first floor with lift, ideal for 2 people.

Price for one night with breakfast

disponibilità su richiesta

For companies

Meeting rooms

2 meeting rooms for 40 people or 1 meeting room for 80 people, outdoor meeting for 150 people with backup Crystal tensile structures. Culinary, sporting, social team building.

Coming soon hot tubes skargards

For workgroups

 Team events

– Day Use –

Custom events for your team:to meet the need for companies and professionals to find moments of flexibility and get back to taking care of their personal sphere.

No longer just office and home…but also accommodation coworking and kindergarten in the woods for your children aged 3-6. !


Tutti i nostri servizi sono gratuti per gli ospiti della Bolla e per chi affitta le sale meeting per gli aventi. I percosi sensoriali, tattici e a piedi nudi ti faranno vivere un'esperienza naturalmente felice.

Aroma Sensory Path

E' un percorso pensato e progettato per stimolare i sensi attraverso le piante aromatiche. Un luogo che possiede la capacità di migliorare il nostro benessere fisico e psicologico. Emozioni, ricordi ed eccitazioni: tutto passa attraverso l'olfatto, il più antico e potente dei nostri sensi assieme al tatto, che ci guidano in ogni momento.

Agrirelais La Bolla percorso aromi

Path Trees with tactile maps

E' un percorso che si snoda tra 25 tipologie differenti di alberi con descrizione grafica, tattile, e braille con l'ausilio di QRcode che rimanda a descrizione audio in italiano ed inglese di Giorgia.

Barefoot path

Coming from May 2023

Admission from 10.00 to 16.00 for visits to the garden and park su prenotazione.


  • Transfer service to / from the bus and train stations with disabled platform is available but must be booked in advance at booking. For info and prices please contact
  • Guests will have free service outdoor wheelchair but advanced booking is required
  • Guests staying at the Bolla can use common areas, the aromatic path, the tree path and they will receive free samples of aromatic plants.



With a view to environmental sustainability, the structure is equipped with an electric column for car charging.

The cooling, mechanical ventilation and heating systems of the rooms and of the entire structure are powered by photovoltaic panels.

All rooms are equipped with anti-waste taps of our precious water. Their two positions remind us to use only the water we need.

The cleaning and sanitization of the structure is done daily using organic products and active microorganisms.

The use of chemical products is not allowed as the pit is biological, and a plastic-free courtesy kit with organic products is provided in each room.

Visit Piedmont

It's natural to be on vacation


335 823 3635
Via Circonvallazione 11, Agliè, Italy
